5/10/10 Konichiwa movers and groovers and other furry monsters Well I’m currently sitting in a zen garden in a rural town called Nagahama on the shores of Lake Biwa-ko somewhere north of Kyoto while Avril is off doing a glass course. And…man… what a lucky find! We completely stumbled upon this really small...
Wishing For A Mutant Baby In Hiroshima

30/9/10 Konichiwa dudes and dudettes Well we are currently in Hiroshima chilling out on our tatami mats… and before we start our travel blog we should mention – for those of you who were very astute and picked this up on our Jellyfish video and pictures… Yes… Avril is PREGNANT!!! HOLY COW...
Cloudbusting Jellyfish Lake In Palau

19/9/2010 Alii to all you friends, family and other smellyfish jellyfish… So about five years ago we were watching Survivor Palau… which by the way is the only TV series we religiously watch… …And after one of the challenges, the winners were taken to a natural volcanic lagoon that had risen up millions...
Reasons Why Ced Shouldn’t Go Snowboarding Without Avril

13/8/10 Sunny And Sensible Cloudy And Stupid Hey there dudes and dudettes. Well I’m currently in Queenstown in New Zealand with a mate of mine, Darren… and normally I’d be sending a travel blog out about how awesome a snowboarding trip I’m having since there have been a couple of major snow dumps...
It’s a Whale! It’s a Shark! It’s a WHALE SHARK!!!

30/5/2010 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well it’s been a while since we’ve done a travel blog, and it’s rare that we do a travel blog about a short trip especially at home in Australia… but HOLY COW we’ve just been swimming with whale sharks in Western Australia… and we wanted to blog...
Ced & Avril’s Ridiculously Late Xmas Cartoon

2/4/10 If you want to read the above cartoon, then just click on the image Hey there movers and groovers Happy Easter!!!! Well it’s been 2 years since our last xmas cartoon, and it’s ridiculously late… but here it is! Our new xmas 2009 cartoon! YAY!!! It pretty much sums up our life over...
New Zealand – Worst Holiday EVER!!!

18 August 2009 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well it’s been a long time since we have done a travel blog so I wish I had a better story to write about, but I’m currently sitting in a freezing cold crummy motel in Invercargill which is a town at the absolute arse-end bottom of...
Our House Goes Underwater In The Latest Floods

20/5/09 Hey guys Today Brisbane had the worst storms in 100 years and the worst flooding since 1974. Anyway, I bragged last year about our place being spared by a flood but we’ve just gone underwater so I jinxed myself. I got home at 3.30pm after a street near work got flooded. By 5pm...
Brisbane Storms

22/11/08 Hey there dudes and dudettes So a few years ago when we were doing renovations, we decided to build some retaining walls and raise up our land, which I remember at the time was VERY expensive and we had ummmed and ahhhhed about whether it was worth it or not… Well… HOLY CRAP...
Ced’s Lamearse Snowboarding Accident In Austria

5/4/08 Gruss Gott to all you snow bunnies and wacko spackos Well, we are currently in Innsbruck, Austria which is the famous winter Olympics town in the Austrian Tyrolean Alps, and yesterday in the ski village of Kuttai, I had one of the most spastic, lamearse, limb threatening snowboarding accidents EVER!!! Now I had...
Fahrten Around Eastern Europe

2/4/08 Gruss Gott to all you movers, groovers and other furry animals Well I am currently in sitting in a crappy hotel in Munich in a cranky pants mood since today we rented a car to drive through the Bavarian Alps to go up to Zugspitze the highest mountain in Germany… but all...
Men Behaving Badly In Poland

23/3/08 Dzien Dobry and Wisowy Swiat (happy easter) to all you Polish sausages and Sour Krauts Well, as a completely rude shock to the system after bumming around stinking hot Africa last week, I am currently on a Eastern European road trip with 2 mates John Greco and John Cebula, and freezing my...