27-3-99 Hey there funkmeisters, groovsters and other assorted fluff monsters It’s been a long time since you heard from us, but WE ARE BACK ON-LINE!!!!!!! Sorry, we haven’t written in a while, but we have only just bought a computer so we’ve been in internet limbo for a while. Well we’ve been back for...
SCARABS in our SPHINX-ters

4/12/98 Salaam alekum you camel spitting infidels Well, dudes and dudettes, we’ve been travelling in Egypt the last few weeks, and what can say, except Egypt is totally amazing!!!! Now that we’ve seen rest of the world’s archaeology, we can safely say that being in Egypt is just way too cool for...
How Can I Trust You, You Slept With My Man In New York!

13/11/98 G’Day and a big dog’s bollocks hello to you all… We’re real sorry that we haven’t written in a while, but the UK is sooooooooooo expensive that getting onto the net is really bleeding us… Since our last letter though, we’ve done an absolute poo load of things and since we’ve...
USA: The Bigfoot, The Volcano And Several Naked Gay Men

29/9/98 Greetings crazy funsters Oh my GOD!!!… We’re back in the western world!!!!!!! …And not a moment too soon… The Latino world was fun, but we had run out of our favourite hair mousse and desperately needed to get to the USA before our hair got a major soft-on!!!! Hence we did the...
Guatemalan Monkey Poo and Mexican Parasites!!!!!!

15/8/98 Hi there funky monkeys and secret squirrels Well here we are in Mexico City, which is apparently the third biggest city in the world, and it’s pretty fantastic… However, from the response of our last letter, it sounds like we freaked a few people out about Central America… Well all we...
Central America… Where America is a dirty word…

20/7/98 Hey there movers, groovers and other furry animals Well we’ve arrived in Antigua in Guatemala after an absolute whirlwind trip thru Central America full of danger, intrigue and strange mutant animals. Flying into Panama City was a complete shock to the system… It was sooooo bloody hot!!!! We realized that we’d...
Ruined in Peru

5/7/98 Hola amigos and amigas Well here we are in Quito, the capital of Ecuador and only 22km south of the equator, and believe it or not, although they tell us it’s early summer here, we are still wearing our fleece jackets at night since it’s bloody cold due to the altitude!!!...
What Do You Do When You See A Space Man In Peru?

22/6/98 Hola chicos y chicatitas Well we left Cusco with a bad taste in our bottoms… I had the guinea pig for dinner and yes it tastes like chicken although they could have given me a roasted rat and I wouldn’t have known the difference… It looked the same as a rat and...
Operation Shit Scared: Post War Intelligence

11/6/98 Re: Operation Shit Scared…If you haven’t read it then read it here since the is the follow up blog. Yes it’s all true for all you doubting Thomases. Sometimes even sweet little old hamsters like us have to resort to desperate measures. And unfortunately when we arrived in Lima we found...
Operation Shit Scared

5/6/98 OPERATION SHIT SCARED BACKGROUND…… Last week agent Ced and agent Avril found themselves staying at a certain hostal in Cusco… unfortunately they also found themselves to be the only non-israeli tourists there… the whole place was full of israeli tourists, in fact the whole of cusco was like little Tel Aviv....
…And Incas Might Fly Out My Butt At Machu Picchu!!!

29/5/98 Buenos amigos Well here we are finally in Cusco in Peru and resting our bones after doing the Inca trail… Peru is an amazing place and much more civilised and organised than Bolivia and the streets are generally cleaner and everything is nice and happy…. so far anyway! The only drawback...
It’s A Jungle Out There!!!… An Amazon Jungle…

12/5/98 Hi boys and girls Well believe it or not we are STILL in La Paz, Bolivia after almost 2 months! It’s our home away from home now, but we are just getting ready to move on. We finished up our 3 week language course and now can at least have decent...