24/1/2012 Nei ho mah to all you gwailoes Well we are currently hanging out in our hotel in Wan Chai in Hong Kong and Gung Hey Fat Choi everyone… It’s just turned into the year of the Dragon! Now we learnt a valuable lesson tonight since we decided to take Kitson to the...
Kitson Develops Travel Kung Fu In Vietnam

17/1/2012 Xinh Chao to all you funky monkeys and secret squirrels Well we are currently in Vietnam which is country number 62 for us and country number 2 for Kitson but instead of pigging out on awesome Vietnamese food which is why we came here, we are currently sitting in the lobby of the...
Ced Avril & Kitson’s Xmas Card From Vietnam

10/1/2012 Hey there to all you movers and groovers Well we left Australia on New Years Eve for a 4 week trip to Vietnam for Kitson’s first backpacking holiday and we’ll finish up in Hong Kong for the Chinese New Year. But today we are currenty in Hue in central Vietnam and today...