If you want to watch the video instead of reading the blog then here it is! So after 17 days on the road and 6 nights up at the top end of Australia, it was time to say good bye and head south again. Day 17 – 17 Sept 2017 Seisia to Captain Billy’s...
The Bigarsed Jeep Trip to Cape York Part 4 of 5 The Tip of Australia and Thursday Island

So if you rather watch the video than read about it. Here it is! So we finally made it to the northern tip of Australia! But it’s much more than a destination. Once you are here there is a lot to explore and it’s great to just chill out after such a long drive....
The Bigarsed Jeep Trip to Cape York Part 3 of 5 The Old Telegraph Track in a mankini

Here’s the video that has me doing Gunshot Creek in a Mankini and shows all the major driving challenges on the Old Telegraph Track including Palm Creek and Nolan’s Brook. Simply put… The Old Telegraph Track is why we came to Cape York!!! The Old Telegraph Track is one of the mecca’s of 4wding...
The Bigarsed Jeep Trip to Cape York Part 2 of 5 The Frenchman’s Track

So if you prefer to watch the video rather than read about it. Here it is! The video shows more the technical driving over the 2 river crossings. Day 9 – 9 Sept 2017 The Frenchman’s Track Chili Beach to Moreton Telegraph Station138.6km 4hr 22min driving time So the Frenchman’s Track is considered to...
The Bigarsed Jeep Trip to Cape York Part 1 of 5 Brisbane to Chili Beach

So if you are too impatient to read and want to watch the Part 1 video on youTube then here it. So 2 years ago my Mate Peter and I hatched a plan to do a trip to Cape York that didn’t happen when we thought it would. In that time he joined the...