9/8/05 Hola Muchachos and Muchachas OK this is a diary log that I am writing whilst sitting in the boarding lounge in Quito, Ecuador awaiting a flight to Bogota, Colombia. Now I’m writing this more like a diary entry than a travel blog because I want to document how shit scared we are...
Show Us Your Galapagos Boobies

3/8/05 Buenos dias movers, groovers and other prehistoric animals… Well we have just arrived back in Quito, Ecuador after 8 days in the Galapagos Islands and if the people bonking in the room next door hurry up and come, then I’ll be able to concentrate and finish this travel log and tell you...
When My Baby Smiles At Me, I Freak Out In Rio

23/7/05 Ole Cariocas Well, we are currently in Foz Do Iguazu in Southern Brazil after spending the last 3 days in Rio De Janeiro, and I must say that Rio completely FREAKED US OUT, DUDES…!!! …Well not so much Rio itself but all the horrible expectations that come from reading too much scary...
Don’t Cry For Me Argentina… I’m Too Hungover To Care

18/7/05 Buenos Dias Chicos y Chicas Well, we are currently chilling in our hostel in Buenos Aires after partying a bit too hard last night and crawling home at 5.30am so we thought we’d use hangover recovery time to update our travel blog. Yay!!! So this is the first official on the road...
Ced & Avril’s Bigarsed Adventure Reloaded

14/7/05 Just click on the individual pages above if you want to read the cartoon Hi There Dudes, Dudettes and other furry monsters… It’s 2 am and in 4 hours we are off to the airport to fly to Buenos Aires and start our second bigarsed trip to South America. It’s the first...
Holy Crap! We are going to Colombia!!!

28/6/2005 Click on the above cartoon if you want it bigger to read it Hey there dudes and dudettes… this is my first ever bloggedy blog on our new website…YAY!!!!!! Avril’s been writing all the other entries but of course hers are nice and polite so it’s time to get down to the nitty...
New Website and Latest News

Well, we’ve finally set up our new website before heading off overseas in July. At the moment we’re building up the website, page by page. I’ve brought over all the pages and images from the old site to this one, so if you want to take a close look at the Peruvian mummy...
Just Say NO To Bugs In Thailand!!!!

3/4/04 Sawadee Krup dudes, dudettes and other furry monsters… Well, we are currently sitting in an internet cafe on Rai Leh Beach in Southern Thailand after a gruelling 26 hour trip from Ko Chang Island near the Cambodian border where we have been seriously chilling for the last few days… …Yep,...
6 Hours In A Leaky Boat In Cambodia

8/3/04 Sau S’dei all you funky monkeys and secret squirrels… Well, we are currently sitting in an internet cafe on the Tonle Sap river in Phnom Pehn in Cambodia, and we are well and truly shagged!!!!!! Well at least I am… Avril is sitting next to me and is being chatted up by...
How Much Did The Kat Man Du????

18/4/02 Hey there all you movers, groovers and yak slinging schmoozers… Well we have just arrived in Singapore and all I can say is HYGEINE ROCKS MAN!!!! Not only have we been hit by culture shock, but we have arrived during Singapore’s month long food festival so we are in absolute heaven….. well...
Holy Yak! We Are At Everest Base Camp!!!

15/4/02 Hey there Yakkety Yaks and Abdominal Snowmen So this is part 2 of our Everest Base Camp blog. Part 1 is here. Well, we’ve been back in Kathmandu for 2 days now and our feet and knees are STILL sore…not to mention our bums from several bouts of diarrhea…. I actually...
Yakkety Yak… We Can’t Walk Back…

13/4/02 Tashi Delek!!!! Hey there dudes and dudettes and other furry animals… Well here we are in Kathmandu again after 25 days of absolutely exhausting trekking to Mount Everest Base Camp…. and all I can say is…. we are ABSOLUTELY and COMPLETELY 100% SHAGGED!!!! ….that’s more shagged than a very shaggy thing in shagsville…....