16/3/08 Moraho to all you Muzungus and Magilla Gorillas Well, we are currently sitting in the Bourbon Coffee shop in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda and Man… I have to say, after Ethiopia and Tanzania, we really like Rwanda! The people are absolutely lovely, there is almost no hassles, begging or scams, and...
No Gnus Is Bad Gnus In The Serengetti, Tanzania

11/3/08 Jambo to all you crazy cats and hungry hungry hippos Well, we are currently in Arusha Town in Tanzania after finishing a 7 day camping safari, and hopefully tonight I’ll be able to get a good night’s sleep, since for the last few nights Avril has been pestering me to get up...
Ced Has A Whinge In Addis Ababa

3/3/08 Salaam to all you funky chickens Well, we are currently back in Addis Ababa after bumming around Northern Ethiopia and I’ve got to say… it’s really nice to be back in a big city, since travelling around the north of Ethiopia was actually quite tiring due to the amount of hassles we encountered....
A GRAVE Place To Take Dump In Lalibela, Ethiopia

28/2/08 Salaam Well, we are currently sitting sipping macchiatos surrounded by Jacarandas and Olive trees in the Seven Olives Hotel in the famous village of Lalibela on the Historial Circuit in Northern Ethiopia… And Man… today I did one of the most sacreligious things EVER!!! Now firstly, I’ll have to paint a picture of...
Ethiopia & The Bull Jumping Ceremony Of The Hamer Tribe

26/2/08 Ashamaa to all you crazy cats and jumpy bulls Well, we are now back in Addis Ababa after our FANTASTIC journey through the South Omo Valley, and all we can say is that this trip has been one of the most AMAZINGLY cultural experiences that we have ever had… on par with even...
Down And Dirty With The Dasanech Tribe In Ethiopia

24/2/2008 Tenayistillign to all you comfortable western world folk Well we are finishing up our trip around the Omo region in south Ethiopia and yesterday we got back from one of the most desolate villages we have ever seen. Yesterday morning our guide grabbed a kid who stuck us on a freakily...
Mursi Girls Who Give Lip In Ethiopia

22/2/08 Tenayistillign to all you friends, family and other furry animals Well we are currently in a small village called Jinka in the South Omo Valley in southern Ethiopia and HOLY SMOKES we’ve totally gone TRIBAL since, so far Ethiopia has blown us away with how interesting it is! Man… Ethiopia is...
Ced & Avril’s Bigarsed Adventure RESURRECTED!

15/2/08 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well… as you know, last year we cut our BIGARSED adventure short due to my Grandmother falling ill, but being the diehard travellers that we are, we made a promise that we would definitely get back to Africa… So here we are on an Emirates flight breathing in...
Ced & Avril’s Bigarsed Adventure UNLOADED!

10/3/07 Hey there friends, family and other furry animals Well, we are currently sitting in our office at home in Brisbane and we regret to inform you that Ced & Avril’s Bigarsed Adventure Reloaded 2005-2007 has now been UN-loaded and is now over… …sort of… When we were in Ghana in Africa a month...
Ghana Is So Smelly, That I Think I’m Ghana Be Sick!

8/2/07 Hey there to all you funky monkeys and secret squirrels Well, we are currently in Accra, the capital city of Ghana in Western Africa and although we would really like to write some nice things about Ghana, we can’t… because this place REALLY STINKS!!! Man… before we got here, people warned us...
When Baboons Go Bad In Ghana

27/1/07 Hey there and Mma ache to all you funky monkeys and smelly pant elephants Well, we are currently at The Mole Hotel in Mole National Park which a REALLY cool elephant reserve in the north of Ghana, and… man… it would have to be one of the BEST kept secrets in these...
Dogon It Burkina Faso! Whoever Heard Of A Capital City Called Ouagadougou?

23/1/07 Aga po Seo, oumana seo, ounou seo and yahana seo to all you Dogon Bogons and flying pygmies Well, we are currently in Ouagadougou (pronounced Wagadoogoo), which is the capital of Burkina Faso and it would have to be the coolest named capital city that we have been to outside of...