7/4/2013 So for my 40th Birthday my friends gave me a gift course to do some stunt man training on the Gold Coast which was huge amounts of fun. I did it with our mate Darlene and it was wire work, combat training and high falling. And the day was finished with a...
It’s a Whale! It’s a Shark! It’s a WHALE SHARK!!!

30/5/2010 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well it’s been a while since we’ve done a travel blog, and it’s rare that we do a travel blog about a short trip especially at home in Australia… but HOLY COW we’ve just been swimming with whale sharks in Western Australia… and we wanted to blog...
Ced & Avril’s Ridiculously Late Xmas Cartoon

2/4/10 If you want to read the above cartoon, then just click on the image Hey there movers and groovers Happy Easter!!!! Well it’s been 2 years since our last xmas cartoon, and it’s ridiculously late… but here it is! Our new xmas 2009 cartoon! YAY!!! It pretty much sums up our life over...
Our House Goes Underwater In The Latest Floods

20/5/09 Hey guys Today Brisbane had the worst storms in 100 years and the worst flooding since 1974. Anyway, I bragged last year about our place being spared by a flood but we’ve just gone underwater so I jinxed myself. I got home at 3.30pm after a street near work got flooded. By 5pm...
Brisbane Storms

22/11/08 Hey there dudes and dudettes So a few years ago when we were doing renovations, we decided to build some retaining walls and raise up our land, which I remember at the time was VERY expensive and we had ummmed and ahhhhed about whether it was worth it or not… Well… HOLY CRAP...
Ced & Avril’s Christmas Cartoon 2007

30/12/07 Just click on each of the above images to read the cartoon in a bigger format G’Day and a big sloppy Merry Christmas to everyone Well, this is our normal very late Christmas cartoon and email, but unlike other years when we have normally had no excuse but laziness for being late… This...
Ced & Avril’s Bigarsed Adventure UNLOADED!

10/3/07 Hey there friends, family and other furry animals Well, we are currently sitting in our office at home in Brisbane and we regret to inform you that Ced & Avril’s Bigarsed Adventure Reloaded 2005-2007 has now been UN-loaded and is now over… …sort of… When we were in Ghana in Africa a month...
Ced & Avril’s Bigarsed Adventure Reloaded

14/7/05 Just click on the individual pages above if you want to read the cartoon Hi There Dudes, Dudettes and other furry monsters… It’s 2 am and in 4 hours we are off to the airport to fly to Buenos Aires and start our second bigarsed trip to South America. It’s the first...
New Website and Latest News

Well, we’ve finally set up our new website before heading off overseas in July. At the moment we’re building up the website, page by page. I’ve brought over all the pages and images from the old site to this one, so if you want to take a close look at the Peruvian mummy...
Crazy weather

Amongst the hectic preparation for our upcoming overseas trip, Brisbane was hit with a massive hail (hail==ice) storm. I was driving (or trying to) in peak hour traffic to an appointment in Toowong when the storm started. I managed to get my car onto a side street under a tree to try to...
Merry Christmas 2004

25/12/04 Click on each page of the cartoon if you want to read it at a bigger size
Zen and the Art of Being Home

27-3-99 Hey there funkmeisters, groovsters and other assorted fluff monsters It’s been a long time since you heard from us, but WE ARE BACK ON-LINE!!!!!!! Sorry, we haven’t written in a while, but we have only just bought a computer so we’ve been in internet limbo for a while. Well we’ve been back for...