6/10/05 …um… Hey muchachos… …er… It’s 9am and we are currently sitting in the departure lounge in Cancun Mexico in transit from Havana and I’m typing this travellog on only 3 hours sleep whilst trying to ignore the vomit smell wafting from Avril’s hair… and it doesn’t really help that I am still...
Cuba And The Amazing Fidel C-astroboy

Hey dudes and dudettes, we have been so busy with my cousin’s wedding in San Francisco and getting ourselves set up in Ireland, that we haven’t organised our Cuba photos or sent the last 2 travel logs that we wrote 2 weeks ago… so here’s the first of them… we’ll send the other when...
Trip Report: Costs and Tips for a Cheap Stay in Cuba

This is a copy of a post that we put on the Lonely Planet Thorntree travel site for anyone who wants some Cuba tips and a recommendation for a Casa Particular in Havana. 20/10/2005 Hi All We have just spent the last 10 days in Cuba and since we got a lot of...
Avril Develops A New Superpower In Cuba

29/9/05 “Mutant Superpowers will often manifest themselves for the first time in times of extreme stress or extreme self sacrifice…” Professor Charles Xavier founder of the X-men. Buenos Dias Fellow Superfriends and Avengers of Evil We are currently in the west of Cuba in a beautiful mountain valley hiking area called Vinales and...

24/9/05 Hola Gato to all you slinky sloths and mangy muppets Well, just after sending our last travellog 6 days ago, we slinked back to our room in Managua, Nicaragua and settled in to watch a crappy James Spader alien movie, when some British mates who we were travelling with came in and...