24/9/05 Hola Gato to all you slinky sloths and mangy muppets Well, just after sending our last travellog 6 days ago, we slinked back to our room in Managua, Nicaragua and settled in to watch a crappy James Spader alien movie, when some British mates who we were travelling with came in and...
Mud In Our Cracks In Colombia

30/8/05 Hey there friends, family and other furry animals… Well we are currently sitting in Panama Airport on our way to Nicaragua and honestly, after all the scary stuff we were worried about, we LOVED Colombia and saying goodbye is actually really sad… Colombia has been such a friendly place to travel and...
Central America… Where America is a dirty word…

20/7/98 Hey there movers, groovers and other furry animals Well we’ve arrived in Antigua in Guatemala after an absolute whirlwind trip thru Central America full of danger, intrigue and strange mutant animals. Flying into Panama City was a complete shock to the system… It was sooooo bloody hot!!!! We realized that we’d...