15/2/08 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well… as you know, last year we cut our BIGARSED adventure short due to my Grandmother falling ill, but being the diehard travellers that we are, we made a promise that we would definitely get back to Africa… So here we are on an Emirates flight breathing in...
I Bless The Rains Down In AFRICA, But Not Ireland!

1/1/07 Bonjour Mes Amis and a snappy new rear to all Well, we are currently at Casablanca airport in Morocco en route to Mali and today is one of those days where we will have had breakfast in Dublin, lunch in Paris, dinner in Casablanca, and a nightcap in Bamako, Mali… which may...
…There Won’t Be Snow In Africa This Christmas Time… But There Could Be Aliens And Terrorists!!!

25/12/06 Our photos from when we went down to South Park? http://www.sp-studio.de/ Hey there to all you funky monkeys and secret squirrels and a big Nollaig Shona Dhuit which is Merry Christmas in Irish. Well, it is currently a freezing cold Christmas eve in County Kerry, Ireland and today we did the traditional Irish...
Dead Bodies And Beehive Monasteries In Ireland

28/10/06 Cead Mile Failte Rowhat to all you funky monkeys & peppercorn leprechauns… which means 100 thousand welcomes in Irish… Well, we are still in Ireland on the Ring Of Kerry but we are coming up to the end of my 10 week term working here and tomorrow we will be heading out...
Stand & Deliver: The Coolest Experience Of My Career

8/10/06 Hey there friends, family and other furry animals Well, after our last blog about the guy that slit his throat, we got so many emails full of nice words and pats on the back that we were quite overwhelmed by it all, so I thought I’d better start this blog off by...
Ireland Again & The Second Most Horrific Experience Of My Career

2/9/06 Hey there dudes and dudettes This isn’t really one of our normal funny travel blogs, but more a story that I wanted to share mainly for a bit of therapy and debriefing for myself… It’s a bit long and a little gory so don’t read any further if you have a weak...
Happy Easter From Ireland

19/4/06 Hey there and Beannachtaí na Cásca to all you fluffy easter bunnies and buffy easter funnies… which by the way is Irish for Happy easter… I think… Well, we are currently in Paris again and it’s been a couple of months since we last wrote, but thanks to all those people who...
The Lamest Lamearses In The Switzerland

25/1/06 Guten Tag snow bunnies and funky Alp monsters Well we are currently on a train in Switzerland coming down from Zermatt in the Swiss Alps after bumming around the Matterhorn all morning and all we can say is… Gee we had a deprived childhood growing up without snow in Queensland. ...
Merry Christmas From Ireland

12/1/06 Hey There Dudes and Dudettes… MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS AND A SNAPPY NEW EAR FROM IRELAND!!! Well, we are currently in a town called Trim just north of Dublin and all we can say is… Thank GOD Christmas is over….!!!! Now don’t get me wrong… this was our first northern hemisphere...
Worst Day So Far 2006

Friday January 6th pooped on my head. I woke up sick with fevers, chills and sweats. I realised my passport was missing, lost, unable to be found. And I got a parking ticket when I went to re-trace my steps at the carpark where I think I lost my passport. Gah! – Avril
The Tail Of An Irish Kitty

24/11/05 Hey there Fuzzy Furry Friends OK, This is a departure from our normally immature and irreverant travel logs, because today was a bit of a sad day for us, so we figured we may as well share our gooshy little story with you… It’s really only for catlovers, so if you don’t...
Whinging Aussies In Ireland

19/11/05 Top o’ da morning to yah Well, we are currently in a costal town called Goleen near Schull in County Cork in the far southwest of Ireland and we are currently in week 6 of me doing locum doctor work in Ireland. Now, for those of you who don’t know,...