5/7/06 Guten Morgen to all you funky cats and damaged hamsters Well, we are currently on a train from Berlin to Prague and since the World Cup is almost over, we figured it’s about time for another blog update. Now after our last blog we got quite a few people commenting on how...
World Cup Germany: Australia Vs Brazil & Bikinis Vs Schlongs

24/6/06 Guten Tag and GO YOU GOOD AUSSIE!!! to all Soccer Yobbos and Football Schmooligans out there… Well, we are currently on a train from Frankfurt to Amsterdam and HOLY CRAP we have had SO much fun in Germany with the World Cup over this last week, that I almost wasn’t going to...
Ced Vs Avril – A Greek Geek Odyssey

2/6/06 Hey there and Yasus to all you Greek Gods and Geek Goddesses out there Well, we are currently on the Greek island of Samos just 3kms off the coast of Turkey and since this is our last day in Greece after island hopping for the last couple of weeks, we thought we’d...
How To Freeze Your Gonads Between Tectonic Plates In Iceland

18/5/06 Bless and Guðen Täg to all you Huffin Puffins and Björking Ice Queens… Well, we are currently chilling in the youth hostel in Reykjavik, Iceland and just like Corey Hart says… “I Wear My Sunglasses At Night, so I can… so I can… check out the sunset that’s right before my eyes…”...
Cedavril.com: Now Blessed By The Pope In Italy

9/5/06 Bon giorno and ciao to all you Romans, Christians and other furry monsters Well, I’m currently sitting in a laundromat in Venice waiting for my clothes to dry and since this is our last day in Italy I reckon this is a good enough time to update our travel blog. After our...
Stressed Out In Sicily

29/4/06 Hey There and Bon Giorno to all you Sicilian Maffioso and Funky Giraffe-ioso Well, we are currently on the Eurostar train flying at 280km/hr from Naples to Rome and we’re actually really happy to be leaving southern Italy since the last 2 weeks here have STRESSED us out to the MAX!!! About...
Happy Easter From Ireland

19/4/06 Hey there and Beannachtaí na Cásca to all you fluffy easter bunnies and buffy easter funnies… which by the way is Irish for Happy easter… I think… Well, we are currently in Paris again and it’s been a couple of months since we last wrote, but thanks to all those people who...
Funky Old Medina In Tunisia

9/2/06 Greetings Friends, Romans and Other Furry Jedi Well, we are currently in London visiting Avril’s COOL cousin Felicity and hubbie Paul and they’ve put us up in Richmond Hill, the swankiest neighbourhood in London just a few doors down from Mick Jagger’s house which is TOTALLY WIERD since last week we were...
The Lamest Lamearses In The Switzerland

25/1/06 Guten Tag snow bunnies and funky Alp monsters Well we are currently on a train in Switzerland coming down from Zermatt in the Swiss Alps after bumming around the Matterhorn all morning and all we can say is… Gee we had a deprived childhood growing up without snow in Queensland. ...
Merry Christmas From Ireland

12/1/06 Hey There Dudes and Dudettes… MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS AND A SNAPPY NEW EAR FROM IRELAND!!! Well, we are currently in a town called Trim just north of Dublin and all we can say is… Thank GOD Christmas is over….!!!! Now don’t get me wrong… this was our first northern hemisphere...
Worst Day So Far 2006

Friday January 6th pooped on my head. I woke up sick with fevers, chills and sweats. I realised my passport was missing, lost, unable to be found. And I got a parking ticket when I went to re-trace my steps at the carpark where I think I lost my passport. Gah! – Avril
France Is The Ants Pants But Paris Is The City Of Fights

11/12/05 Bonjour mes amis et mes funky chats de maison (friends and funky house cats)… Well, we received so many gooshy replies after sending our last travel log about the fuzzy furry Tail of the Irish Kitty, that we went back and reread it and… holy cow… we sounded totally gooshy and pathetic…...