7/4/2018 Bula Bula everyone Well we are currently sitting in a cafe in Denarau on the main island in Fiji waiting to head back to the airport to fly back home and not a moment too soon as Tropical Cyclone Keni is due to hit tomorrow. It’s ridiculously sunny and warm so it is...
Ced Joins A Superhero Team In Queenstown New Zealand

15/8/2012 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well we are currently on the way back home from Queenstown in New Zealand and I guess this is the perfect time for another Cedavril travel blog. Now of course this should be a blog about Kitson’s first trip to the snow and New Zealand being her...
Cloudbusting Jellyfish Lake In Palau

19/9/2010 Alii to all you friends, family and other smellyfish jellyfish… So about five years ago we were watching Survivor Palau… which by the way is the only TV series we religiously watch… …And after one of the challenges, the winners were taken to a natural volcanic lagoon that had risen up millions...
Reasons Why Ced Shouldn’t Go Snowboarding Without Avril

13/8/10 Sunny And Sensible Cloudy And Stupid Hey there dudes and dudettes. Well I’m currently in Queenstown in New Zealand with a mate of mine, Darren… and normally I’d be sending a travel blog out about how awesome a snowboarding trip I’m having since there have been a couple of major snow dumps...
New Zealand – Worst Holiday EVER!!!

18 August 2009 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well it’s been a long time since we have done a travel blog so I wish I had a better story to write about, but I’m currently sitting in a freezing cold crummy motel in Invercargill which is a town at the absolute arse-end bottom of...