15/8/2012 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well we are currently on the way back home from Queenstown in New Zealand and I guess this is the perfect time for another Cedavril travel blog. Now of course this should be a blog about Kitson’s first trip to the snow and New Zealand being her...
Reasons Why Ced Shouldn’t Go Snowboarding Without Avril

13/8/10 Sunny And Sensible Cloudy And Stupid Hey there dudes and dudettes. Well I’m currently in Queenstown in New Zealand with a mate of mine, Darren… and normally I’d be sending a travel blog out about how awesome a snowboarding trip I’m having since there have been a couple of major snow dumps...
New Zealand – Worst Holiday EVER!!!

18 August 2009 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well it’s been a long time since we have done a travel blog so I wish I had a better story to write about, but I’m currently sitting in a freezing cold crummy motel in Invercargill which is a town at the absolute arse-end bottom of...