30/8/05 Hey there friends, family and other furry animals… Well we are currently sitting in Panama Airport on our way to Nicaragua and honestly, after all the scary stuff we were worried about, we LOVED Colombia and saying goodbye is actually really sad… Colombia has been such a friendly place to travel and...
FARC The Guerillas… Colombia ROCKS!!!

21/8/05 Buenos to all you Funny Bunnies and Secret Squirrels… Well we are currently in an amazingly beautiful colonial city in southern Colombia called Popayan after a completely crappy ride from San Augustin an archaeological site next to a guerilla occupied area. We are absolutely SHAGGED since they managed to squeeze us...
Coffee, Cowgirls, Wax Palms & The Return Of Ced’s Libido

16/8/05 Que Pasa Chicks, Chickadees and other furry animals… Well we are currently the only foreigners in a place completely off the tourist map called Quimbaya in the Zona Cafetera (Coffee Growing Zone) in central Colombia and all we can say is that COLOMBIA ROCKS!!! Before we came here, every traveller we met...
Biffo In Bogota

12/8/05 Hola Muchachos y Muchachas Well we’ve been in Colombia now for 4 days and HOLY CRAP is it dangerous!!! The pavement is all crooked and they have streetposts that are knee height all over the place so I’ve twisted my ankle twice and whacked my knee several times… man… I don’t think...
The Devil’s Nose In Ecuador and Pre-Colombia Nerves

9/8/05 Hola Muchachos and Muchachas OK this is a diary log that I am writing whilst sitting in the boarding lounge in Quito, Ecuador awaiting a flight to Bogota, Colombia. Now I’m writing this more like a diary entry than a travel blog because I want to document how shit scared we are...
Holy Crap! We are going to Colombia!!!

28/6/2005 Click on the above cartoon if you want it bigger to read it Hey there dudes and dudettes… this is my first ever bloggedy blog on our new website…YAY!!!!!! Avril’s been writing all the other entries but of course hers are nice and polite so it’s time to get down to the nitty...