24/4/2014 Kuzuzangpo La everybody!!! It’s Kitson here! Daddy thought it would be funnier to write as a 3 year old instead of a 10 year old like he always does, since he didn’t have any poo and fart stories to tell on this trip. So we are sitting on the plane in Calcutta...
Shaking Bhutan Booty at the Paro Tsechu Festival

18/4/2014 Kuzuzangbo la friends, family and other furry critters Yay! It’s been a couple of years since our last travel blog, but we are on the road again!!! Woohoo!!! So we are currently in sitting by the fireplace in Bumthang in central Bhutan after having arrived after a gruelling 9 and a...
Eat Pray Shit in Indonesia… Bali Belly!!!

25/9/2013 Selamat Pagi to all you movers, groovers and other furry animals Well it has been ages since we wrote a travel blog and I sure most of you thought we had faded into boring mainstream domestic life… which sadly yes, we had done over the last year or so. And sadly...
Ced Joins A Superhero Team In Queenstown New Zealand

15/8/2012 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well we are currently on the way back home from Queenstown in New Zealand and I guess this is the perfect time for another Cedavril travel blog. Now of course this should be a blog about Kitson’s first trip to the snow and New Zealand being her...
Giant Robots & Glass Save Japanese Towns

5/10/10 Konichiwa movers and groovers and other furry monsters Well I’m currently sitting in a zen garden in a rural town called Nagahama on the shores of Lake Biwa-ko somewhere north of Kyoto while Avril is off doing a glass course. And…man… what a lucky find! We completely stumbled upon this really small...
Reasons Why Ced Shouldn’t Go Snowboarding Without Avril

13/8/10 Sunny And Sensible Cloudy And Stupid Hey there dudes and dudettes. Well I’m currently in Queenstown in New Zealand with a mate of mine, Darren… and normally I’d be sending a travel blog out about how awesome a snowboarding trip I’m having since there have been a couple of major snow dumps...
It’s a Whale! It’s a Shark! It’s a WHALE SHARK!!!

30/5/2010 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well it’s been a while since we’ve done a travel blog, and it’s rare that we do a travel blog about a short trip especially at home in Australia… but HOLY COW we’ve just been swimming with whale sharks in Western Australia… and we wanted to blog...
New Zealand – Worst Holiday EVER!!!

18 August 2009 Hey there dudes and dudettes Well it’s been a long time since we have done a travel blog so I wish I had a better story to write about, but I’m currently sitting in a freezing cold crummy motel in Invercargill which is a town at the absolute arse-end bottom of...
Ced’s Lamearse Snowboarding Accident In Austria

5/4/08 Gruss Gott to all you snow bunnies and wacko spackos Well, we are currently in Innsbruck, Austria which is the famous winter Olympics town in the Austrian Tyrolean Alps, and yesterday in the ski village of Kuttai, I had one of the most spastic, lamearse, limb threatening snowboarding accidents EVER!!! Now I had...
Charged By Gorillas In The Mist In Rwanda

16/3/08 Moraho to all you Muzungus and Magilla Gorillas Well, we are currently sitting in the Bourbon Coffee shop in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda and Man… I have to say, after Ethiopia and Tanzania, we really like Rwanda! The people are absolutely lovely, there is almost no hassles, begging or scams, and...
Ced Has A Whinge In Addis Ababa

3/3/08 Salaam to all you funky chickens Well, we are currently back in Addis Ababa after bumming around Northern Ethiopia and I’ve got to say… it’s really nice to be back in a big city, since travelling around the north of Ethiopia was actually quite tiring due to the amount of hassles we encountered....
A GRAVE Place To Take Dump In Lalibela, Ethiopia

28/2/08 Salaam Well, we are currently sitting sipping macchiatos surrounded by Jacarandas and Olive trees in the Seven Olives Hotel in the famous village of Lalibela on the Historial Circuit in Northern Ethiopia… And Man… today I did one of the most sacreligious things EVER!!! Now firstly, I’ll have to paint a picture of...