26/2/08 Ashamaa to all you crazy cats and jumpy bulls Well, we are now back in Addis Ababa after our FANTASTIC journey through the South Omo Valley, and all we can say is that this trip has been one of the most AMAZINGLY cultural experiences that we have ever had… on par with even...
Down And Dirty With The Dasanech Tribe In Ethiopia

24/2/2008 Tenayistillign to all you comfortable western world folk Well we are finishing up our trip around the Omo region in south Ethiopia and yesterday we got back from one of the most desolate villages we have ever seen. Yesterday morning our guide grabbed a kid who stuck us on a freakily...
Mursi Girls Who Give Lip In Ethiopia

22/2/08 Tenayistillign to all you friends, family and other furry animals Well we are currently in a small village called Jinka in the South Omo Valley in southern Ethiopia and HOLY SMOKES we’ve totally gone TRIBAL since, so far Ethiopia has blown us away with how interesting it is! Man… Ethiopia is...
When Baboons Go Bad In Ghana

27/1/07 Hey there and Mma ache to all you funky monkeys and smelly pant elephants Well, we are currently at The Mole Hotel in Mole National Park which a REALLY cool elephant reserve in the north of Ghana, and… man… it would have to be one of the BEST kept secrets in these...
Tips For Getting To The Festival Au Desert In Timbuktu, MALI 2007

Disclaimer: Mali like the rest of the Islamic world has now become a dangerous place to visit so the following information in this blog about the Festival is now outdated. I am leaving it posted on the net to show how it was once a safe place to visit. 6/12/07 Hi everybody Well...
Timbuktu & The Festival Au Desert 2007

15/1/07 Bonjour to all you mighty Tuaregs and smelly Toerags Well, we are now back in Sevare in central Mali after arriving from a week in Timbuktu which included the 3 day music Festival au Desert in Essakane… And all we can say is that getting to Timbuktu was easy, but...
Not All Portu-gals Are Lisbians, But They Could Be Space Aliens

6/11/06 Bom Dia to all you Portugeese and Portuganders Well we are currently sitting in a cafe in Lagos on the Algarve coast in southern Portugal, and last week we made a very eye opening pilgrimage to Fatima in central Portugal. Now, for all you non-Catholics out there, Fatima is considered as probably...
Dead Bodies And Beehive Monasteries In Ireland

28/10/06 Cead Mile Failte Rowhat to all you funky monkeys & peppercorn leprechauns… which means 100 thousand welcomes in Irish… Well, we are still in Ireland on the Ring Of Kerry but we are coming up to the end of my 10 week term working here and tomorrow we will be heading out...
Stand & Deliver: The Coolest Experience Of My Career

8/10/06 Hey there friends, family and other furry animals Well, after our last blog about the guy that slit his throat, we got so many emails full of nice words and pats on the back that we were quite overwhelmed by it all, so I thought I’d better start this blog off by...
Ireland Again & The Second Most Horrific Experience Of My Career

2/9/06 Hey there dudes and dudettes This isn’t really one of our normal funny travel blogs, but more a story that I wanted to share mainly for a bit of therapy and debriefing for myself… It’s a bit long and a little gory so don’t read any further if you have a weak...
Nudity And Crudity In Croatia

29/7/06 Bog to all you nude crude dudes and Balkan beauties Well we are currently in Dubrovnik in Croatia, and I am currently sitting in the garden patio of The Bokun Guesthouse, which is an amazing little family home guesthouse with the most beautiful garden that I have ever seen! There are actually...
World Cup Germany: Australia Vs Brazil & Bikinis Vs Schlongs

24/6/06 Guten Tag and GO YOU GOOD AUSSIE!!! to all Soccer Yobbos and Football Schmooligans out there… Well, we are currently on a train from Frankfurt to Amsterdam and HOLY CRAP we have had SO much fun in Germany with the World Cup over this last week, that I almost wasn’t going to...