15/6/06 Merhaba to all you Turks, Turkettes and other furry Turkeys Well, we are currently sitting in our hotel on Taksim Square in Istanbul after 2 weeks bumming around Turkey and today I discovered that a great EVIL lurks amongst us. This morning after finishing our fantastic Turkish cooking class, we decided to...
Ced Vs Avril – A Greek Geek Odyssey

2/6/06 Hey there and Yasus to all you Greek Gods and Geek Goddesses out there Well, we are currently on the Greek island of Samos just 3kms off the coast of Turkey and since this is our last day in Greece after island hopping for the last couple of weeks, we thought we’d...
How To Freeze Your Gonads Between Tectonic Plates In Iceland

18/5/06 Bless and Guðen Täg to all you Huffin Puffins and Björking Ice Queens… Well, we are currently chilling in the youth hostel in Reykjavik, Iceland and just like Corey Hart says… “I Wear My Sunglasses At Night, so I can… so I can… check out the sunset that’s right before my eyes…”...
Stressed Out In Sicily

29/4/06 Hey There and Bon Giorno to all you Sicilian Maffioso and Funky Giraffe-ioso Well, we are currently on the Eurostar train flying at 280km/hr from Naples to Rome and we’re actually really happy to be leaving southern Italy since the last 2 weeks here have STRESSED us out to the MAX!!! About...
New Superpowers & An Armour Plated Arse: A Story Of COOL

24/2/06 Bonjour Powder Freaks and Half Pipe Legends Well, I am currently all DEPRESSED and sitting in a Chalet at Mont Joye just outside Magog in Quebec surrounded by loudarsed school kids and I’m absolutely SPEWING because Avril is out having fun and carving up the slopes with her snowboard ALONE since I...
Star Wars: The Sahara Strikes Back

2/2/06 A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Jedi masters Ced and Avril stepped out of a Tunisian Police station and breathed a big sigh of relief after hearing the words that all backpackers MOST want to hear in a foreign Police station… “…OK… You are free to go…” Well...
France Is The Ants Pants But Paris Is The City Of Fights

11/12/05 Bonjour mes amis et mes funky chats de maison (friends and funky house cats)… Well, we received so many gooshy replies after sending our last travel log about the fuzzy furry Tail of the Irish Kitty, that we went back and reread it and… holy cow… we sounded totally gooshy and pathetic…...
The Tail Of An Irish Kitty

24/11/05 Hey there Fuzzy Furry Friends OK, This is a departure from our normally immature and irreverant travel logs, because today was a bit of a sad day for us, so we figured we may as well share our gooshy little story with you… It’s really only for catlovers, so if you don’t...
Whinging Aussies In Ireland

19/11/05 Top o’ da morning to yah Well, we are currently in a costal town called Goleen near Schull in County Cork in the far southwest of Ireland and we are currently in week 6 of me doing locum doctor work in Ireland. Now, for those of you who don’t know,...
Havana Spew in Cuba

6/10/05 …um… Hey muchachos… …er… It’s 9am and we are currently sitting in the departure lounge in Cancun Mexico in transit from Havana and I’m typing this travellog on only 3 hours sleep whilst trying to ignore the vomit smell wafting from Avril’s hair… and it doesn’t really help that I am still...
Avril Develops A New Superpower In Cuba

29/9/05 “Mutant Superpowers will often manifest themselves for the first time in times of extreme stress or extreme self sacrifice…” Professor Charles Xavier founder of the X-men. Buenos Dias Fellow Superfriends and Avengers of Evil We are currently in the west of Cuba in a beautiful mountain valley hiking area called Vinales and...
Fromage a Trois In Nicaragua

5/9/05 Hola to all you funky monkeys and secret squirrels… Well, we are currently in Granada, a totally funky town in Nicaragua and we are definitely the funkiest monkeys in town after flying on a zipline through the canopy of rainforest down one side of the bigarsed Mombacho volcano. Man… it...