9/2/06 Greetings Friends, Romans and Other Furry Jedi Well, we are currently in London visiting Avril’s COOL cousin Felicity and hubbie Paul and they’ve put us up in Richmond Hill, the swankiest neighbourhood in London just a few doors down from Mick Jagger’s house which is TOTALLY WIERD since last week we were...
Star Wars: The Sahara Strikes Back

2/2/06 A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Jedi masters Ced and Avril stepped out of a Tunisian Police station and breathed a big sigh of relief after hearing the words that all backpackers MOST want to hear in a foreign Police station… “…OK… You are free to go…” Well...
The Lamest Lamearses In The Switzerland

25/1/06 Guten Tag snow bunnies and funky Alp monsters Well we are currently on a train in Switzerland coming down from Zermatt in the Swiss Alps after bumming around the Matterhorn all morning and all we can say is… Gee we had a deprived childhood growing up without snow in Queensland. ...
We Are Off To A Nepal-ling Country

Thursday, 14 March 2002 6:03 Hi there to all you crazy funsters Just a note to let you know that we are on our way to Nepal tonight…YAY!!!!!! Our plan is to get to Everest Base Camp at 5,500m if avalanches, terrorists, altitude sickness, yeti’s or yaks don’t get us first! We’ve...