19/4/06 Hey there and Beannachtaí na Cásca to all you fluffy easter bunnies and buffy easter funnies… which by the way is Irish for Happy easter… I think… Well, we are currently in Paris again and it’s been a couple of months since we last wrote, but thanks to all those people who...
New Superpowers & An Armour Plated Arse: A Story Of COOL

24/2/06 Bonjour Powder Freaks and Half Pipe Legends Well, I am currently all DEPRESSED and sitting in a Chalet at Mont Joye just outside Magog in Quebec surrounded by loudarsed school kids and I’m absolutely SPEWING because Avril is out having fun and carving up the slopes with her snowboard ALONE since I...
A Nun’s Fart In A Blizzard In Quebec

17/2/06 Bonjour Snow Bunnies and Ice Queens Well, we are currently in Canada in a rural town called Magog in the eastern townships of Quebec sort of between Montreal and Quebec City… and we’ve just come inside after taking pictures of ourselves in a blizzard with 100km winds and minus 27 degrees so...
Funky Old Medina In Tunisia

9/2/06 Greetings Friends, Romans and Other Furry Jedi Well, we are currently in London visiting Avril’s COOL cousin Felicity and hubbie Paul and they’ve put us up in Richmond Hill, the swankiest neighbourhood in London just a few doors down from Mick Jagger’s house which is TOTALLY WIERD since last week we were...
Star Wars: The Sahara Strikes Back

2/2/06 A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Jedi masters Ced and Avril stepped out of a Tunisian Police station and breathed a big sigh of relief after hearing the words that all backpackers MOST want to hear in a foreign Police station… “…OK… You are free to go…” Well...
The Lamest Lamearses In The Switzerland

25/1/06 Guten Tag snow bunnies and funky Alp monsters Well we are currently on a train in Switzerland coming down from Zermatt in the Swiss Alps after bumming around the Matterhorn all morning and all we can say is… Gee we had a deprived childhood growing up without snow in Queensland. ...
Merry Christmas From Ireland

12/1/06 Hey There Dudes and Dudettes… MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS AND A SNAPPY NEW EAR FROM IRELAND!!! Well, we are currently in a town called Trim just north of Dublin and all we can say is… Thank GOD Christmas is over….!!!! Now don’t get me wrong… this was our first northern hemisphere...
Worst Day So Far 2006

Friday January 6th pooped on my head. I woke up sick with fevers, chills and sweats. I realised my passport was missing, lost, unable to be found. And I got a parking ticket when I went to re-trace my steps at the carpark where I think I lost my passport. Gah! – Avril
France Is The Ants Pants But Paris Is The City Of Fights

11/12/05 Bonjour mes amis et mes funky chats de maison (friends and funky house cats)… Well, we received so many gooshy replies after sending our last travel log about the fuzzy furry Tail of the Irish Kitty, that we went back and reread it and… holy cow… we sounded totally gooshy and pathetic…...
The Tail Of An Irish Kitty

24/11/05 Hey there Fuzzy Furry Friends OK, This is a departure from our normally immature and irreverant travel logs, because today was a bit of a sad day for us, so we figured we may as well share our gooshy little story with you… It’s really only for catlovers, so if you don’t...
Whinging Aussies In Ireland

19/11/05 Top o’ da morning to yah Well, we are currently in a costal town called Goleen near Schull in County Cork in the far southwest of Ireland and we are currently in week 6 of me doing locum doctor work in Ireland. Now, for those of you who don’t know,...
Havana Spew in Cuba

6/10/05 …um… Hey muchachos… …er… It’s 9am and we are currently sitting in the departure lounge in Cancun Mexico in transit from Havana and I’m typing this travellog on only 3 hours sleep whilst trying to ignore the vomit smell wafting from Avril’s hair… and it doesn’t really help that I am still...