
Hey there to all you movers and groovers
Well we left Australia on New Years Eve for a 4 week trip to Vietnam for Kitson’s first backpacking holiday and we’ll finish up in Hong Kong for the Chinese New Year.
But today we are currenty in Hue in central Vietnam and today was actually Kitson’s first birthday.
As you can see from the attached pictures Her royal highness Kitson spent today being crowned The Exultant Empress Kitson the First while in the Imperial City of Hue in Central Vietnam.
Her entourge and humble servants were at her beck and call to do whatever she wanted and feed her chocolate cake. The hotel staff where we are staying also bought Kitson a huge cake but she decided on being a fussy eater so instead her parents went to bed all sugared up.
Anyway the main reason for this email was to send out our late-as-usual Xmas cartoon. It’s been 2 years since our last one but as you can imagine our lives have been dominated by nappies and poo in the last year.
We do apologise for dropping out of social contact over the last 12 months and will definitely endeavour to catch up more in 2012.
We’ll do our formal travel blog soon… although our travel has become decidedly less adventurous since travelling with a baby. But none-the-less in my quest to travel blog from every country in the world, I’ll have to see if there is anything interesting to blog about.
Our contact details are the same for 2012. Avril is still on facebook but can’t seem to access it in Vietnam for some reason. Ced still refuses to use social networking and prefers to remain old-school with email and blogging.
Avril is still selling her glass work on line at 2 sites now
www.cedavril.com is still our travel blog site but the wordpress template has buggered up so it may not be working properly.
Otherwise our photos are still on flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/cedavril/sets/
Anyways we’ll blog again soon
Ced, Avril & Kitson
Cute photos–at least Kitson had an even more memorable 1st birthday than usual!
As for fb in Vietnam–the governments got a big ol firewall around it (but not twitter–go figure) cus I guess, they can. There are work arounds that work some of the time.
Have fun and check our blog out http://with2kidsintow.blogspot.com/2011/12/hong-kong-bright-lights-big-city.html for ideas in HK–it’ll be full of activity for new years for sure!
Can’t wait to read more stories!! One step closer to visiting all the countries in the world!
It’s such delight reading your blogs.
We missed them in the last year and a bit.
Thank you for sharing.
Happy Birthday Kitson! The cutest Empress.
Jeni, Jack and Melissa