Hey there dudes and dudettes
Well we are currently on the way back home from Queenstown in New Zealand and I guess this is the perfect time for another Cedavril travel blog.
Now of course this should be a blog about Kitson’s first trip to the snow and New Zealand being her 4th country and all… but, MAN… I am TOTALLY the cool one in the family so this blog is actually all about MEEEEEE!!!
So as you all know, I have a long history of becoming excessively immature and juvenile when I go to the snow, and several of my superhero identities were developed on snowboarding holidays such as Armour Plated Arse Man, Darth Cedrus, Mankini Man and Don’t Fall Off Chairlift Man…
Now that I’m over 40 I’ve fully realised that it is completely childish for me to dress up and be a solo superhero and I really need to grow up and mature…
And so as of this trip, the most mature thing I can think of is to actually join other superheroes and form… a FRIGGIN’ Superhero TEAM!!!!!!!
Yep let me introduce you to Ced as Boba Fett, Steve as Iron Man, Marcus as the HULK, and Dee as Skinless Man.
Individually we all ROCK, but together we are TOTALLY CHOICE BRO! We are THE REMARKABLES!!! Dedicated to truth, justice and peace bro! We fight chairlift hogs, and defend the slopes from evil AND Japanese chicks dig us so we must be cool!
Anyway, I’ll let the photos and videos do the talking.
If you are bored our crime fighting photos are at this link.
And our superhero video is at this link… which shows a lot of lame snowboarding since we couldn’t see out of our masks very well. Or check it out below.
And this is a much more kickarse video of us snowboarding taken with my new sweet-as Contour helmet cam. Or check it out below.
Ced Boba Fettish
PS. No Avril didn’t go snowboarding after breaking her arm last time and because no girls are allowed in our supergroup.
PPS. Sorry to all our German friends but for some reason Youtube won’t allow the music from the clips to be played in Germany. Some stupid digital music rights crappola issue. You’ll have to just hum the soundtrack.
PPPS Yep I know… The Hulk is hilarious and completely steals the show… I’m going have to get me one of those costumes
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