
Buenos Dias Chicos y Chicas
Well, we are currently chilling in our hostel in Buenos Aires after partying a bit too hard last night and crawling home at 5.30am so we thought we’d use hangover recovery time to update our travel blog.
Yay!!! So this is the first official on the road blog of our Bigarsed Adventure!!!
In fact, the only good thing about jetlag is that you can party like a maniac… which has been a great way to build our backpacker credibility again…

Yesterday, we met some crazy-arsed Scotsman and some Irish guys who started telling us how one of them had just stumbled pissed out of a nightclub and was eventually taken home by an ambulance, so naturally enough we figured they’d be great guides, and somehow we ended up hitting the town with them and some other backpackers.
In anycase, we ended up at the Opera Bay (based on our Opera House), the swankiest nightclub in Buenos Aires and full of the most amazingly beautiful hombres y chicas we’d ever seen.

Seriously, Avril reckoned the queue outside the toilet was like an Armani catalogue… whereas I just reckoned all the chicks were fit as…!!!

Avril got hit onto at least 3 times that I counted …with the whole kissing of the hands and telling her that she was sooo beautiful thing too… which of course she loved every minute of…
Whereas I just ogled the women so much that I’m amazed I didn’t get slapped…
It was a great way to hit our holidays especially after being completely shagged after weeks of packing and party planning.
Otherwise, it has been great to come back to Buenos Aires again since last time we were here, we were poor as and only had a couple of days.
Buenos Aires is an amazing city and called the Paris of South America, and rightly so. The place has a real European feel and the streets are full of restaurants, bars and cake shops and are packed all day until early hours of the morning. In fact Argentino’s normally eat dinner at 10.30pm and it’s usually steak, wine and greasy chips with amazing desserts… and surprisingly we haven’t seen one fat person yet…
Still, they all smoke like chimneys, so it would be great to be a cardiologist here since I’m sure they’ll all drop dead from heart disease one day… and it’s also very fortunate that rich foods give me wind so I’ve had a great time farting around the smokers in restaurants just to piss them off… which is a joy that no longer exists at home since we now have anti-smoking laws!
In anycase, Argentina seriously has the best steak in the world, so we have literally been eating $4 melt-in-your-mouth meat for lunch and dinner every day… if I lived here I would definitely have colon cancer by the end of the year…

We’ve also spent the last few days wandering through beautiful tree lined streets marveling at all the amazing 19th century architecture and of course we’ve done all the touristy things like checking out Evita Peron’s Palace and Cemetery and just spend some awesome days sipping cafe con leche watching the Argentino’s who just seem to enjoy fine food and culture.
And fortunately, we are really amazed that our Spanish has just come right back to us and we haven’t even had to pull out our phrase book as people seem to know exactly what we are talking about… or at least they are being polite enough to not to tell us that we suck…
The only downside is that it has been 3-6 degrees the whole time so are freezing our tits off… so we can’t wait to get to Brazil…
Tomorrow we are off to grab a ferry to Uruguay for a fleeting visit before we take off and hit Rio De Janeiro so you’ll probably hear from us in Brazil next time.

Anyways, keep us informed from home and check out our photos of Argentina at this link.
And our Uruguay pics are at this link.
Muchos amores and chunky stuff…
Ced The Carnivore & Avril La Gringa Bonita
Damn! I knew we should have gone there! Just for the beef at least…
Not only the beef Allan, but also for the good looking chicas and hombres. Hot tamale! Your perve page would have been full after visiting Argentina. I reckon BA would have been everything you were hoping Cuba to be – tango, party, food, wine, gorgeous women and men, culture. Oh well, just add BA to your places-to-visit list.