Well, we’ve finally set up our new website before heading off overseas in July. At the moment we’re building up the website, page by page. I’ve brought over all the pages and images from the old site to this one, so if you want to take a close look at the Peruvian mummy again- go ahead 🙂
This post is just an update to all about our upcoming trip. Ced ‘n I are moving to Ireland for a year or so, to work and to visit as much of Europe and Africa as possible. But before we get to Ireland, we’re taking abit of a detour to South America first. We’ll be visiting some of the places we didn’t get to the first time there back in ’98. The full list of countries stands at – Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Nicuragua, Cuba, USA and then Ireland. (And this is over a 3 month period!)
For those geeks amongst us, we’ve used WordPress 1.5.1 to help blog our travel diary. I’ve found it easy to install and manage, and there has been abit of a learning curve to use some of the plug-ins. But other than that, it’s a breeze to use. I’m hoping that working with it while backpacking will tell us if this is the right blog software to use. But for now it’s pretty good.
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